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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Slightly Better Version

Last week I posted a function to convert an IP address to its decimal value using c#.

I have a mildly better approach, though by better, admittedly, I really just mean “I’m using some new stuff from the current version of c#”.

It occurred to me that in place of the anonymous delegate I could just as easily use a lambda expression, therefore we end up with this approach:

private static string IpToDecimal(string ipAddress)
// split up the IP into octets and prep our string builder
List<string> octets = new List<string>(ipAddress.Split('.'));
long decIP = 0;
int shift = 3;

// loop through the octets and compute the decimal version
octets.ForEach(octet => { decIP += long.Parse(octet) << (shift * 8); shift--; });
return decIP.ToString();

Now, if you wanted to, you could really use var instead of List<string> and you could likely inline the initialization, but that ends up unreadable.

HOWEVER if you are adamant about using new things, like LINQ, lambda expressions and the language features of c# to convert this bad boy over, you can do it!

I just wouldn’t likely throw this code at the rookie…

private static string IpToDecimal2(string ipAddress)
// need a shift counter
int shift = 3;

// split and loop through the octets
var octets = ipAddress.Split('.').Select(p => long.Parse(p));
return octets.Aggregate(0L, (total, octet) =>
(total + (octet << (shift-- * 8)))).ToString();

This is actually cool because it’s really only three lines of code.  A couple of things to note:

  1. Using LINQ we are able to parse out the string bits and convert the octets to longs with the Select method.

  2. I’m using the Aggregate method and passing in a seed of 0, which I type with L so that the compiler doesn’t see it as an int.

  3. total is used to keep the running track; octet is the parameter passed in from the octets collection.

  4. shift is decremented each pass as we walk across the octets.


  1. A little dense but you could collapse all the way to:

    .Select((q, index) =>
    (long) Math.Pow(256, 3 - index)*int.Parse(q))

  2. heheh...i don't know if yours or mine is harder to read ;o)
