UPDATE: A reader pointed out a scenario that I had not tested for: trailing data after the delimiter. I did not run into this in my testing (I was using line breaks and always had them at the end of the document I was testing) but I have updated the code below to reflect how to grab the rest of the text.
When you come from a programming background you might find it hard to believe when you flop over to the MS SQL side of the world that SQL Server does not have a SPLIT function for string manipulation. In .Net, we have the string.split method that allows us to break up text based on a delimiter.
In MS SQL, you have to write a string SPLIT function yourself. Not having a great head (yet) for performance, I would suggest that because of the walking the string bits in here, my stab at this shouldn’t be used in high volume situations. That said, I walked across 3,500 rows generating 70,000 rows of split-output (and inserting them to the DB) in less than 20 seconds.
The following method returns as a table variable, so the correct syntax for calling requires a SELECT as such:
select * from Split(YOUR_TEXT, ',')
Here’s the function for your compilation happiness:
create function dbo.Split
(@SourceText varchar(max), @Delimiter char(1))
returns @Table table(StringID int, Value varchar(max))
declare @count integer
declare @curPos integer
declare @textPartLength integer
declare @prevPos integer
declare @nextOcc integer
declare @textPart varchar(max)
set @count = 1
set @prevPos = 0
set @curPos = 0
set @nextOcc = charindex(@Delimiter, @SourceText)
while @nextOcc > 0
set @curPos = @nextOcc
set @nextOcc = charindex(@Delimiter, @SourceText, @nextOcc + 1)
set @textPartLength = @curPos - @prevPos
-- grab the substring from the source text and remove the delimiter
set @textPart = substring(@SourceText, @prevPos , @textPartLength)
set @textPart = replace(@textPart, @Delimiter, '')
insert into @Table (StringID, Value) values(@count, @textPart)
set @prevPos = @curPos
set @count += 1
-- get any text after the last delimiter
set @textPartLength = LEN(@SourceText) - (@prevPos - 1)
set @textPart = substring(@SourceText, @prevPos , textPartLength)
set @textPart = replace(@textPart, @Delimiter, '')
if(LEN(@textPart) > 0)
insert into @Table values (@count, @textPart)
it does not return the last element!
ReplyDeleteI place '123.456.78.90' and it returns 3 elements only:
Not working!!!
Thanks for pointing this out, anon. I had originally written the code to break apart a document stored in the database by line breaks, of which there was always one at the end of the document, so I never ran into this.
ReplyDeleteI updated the code accordingly so that it works with text after the last delimiter.